Грейс период – срок после наступления последнего (по кредитному договору) дня оплаты микрозайма, в который можно закрыть долг без пени и новых процентов. Рассмотрим пример: вы должны возвратить микрокредит в понедельник. В компании действует 3-х дневный грейс период. Значит, внеся деньги до четверга, с последствиями просрочки вы не столкнетесь.

Процесс получения займа онлайн и оформление займа без звонков существенно упрощает и ускоряет доступ к необходимым средствам в критических ситуациях. Рассмотрим подробно, каким образом осуществляется данный процесс.


By Georginna Feyst
Support for womenDONATE

Too good for her own good.

A kindhearted, vulnerable, woman, in small town middle-America, is trapped in an abusive relationship. She must overcome her fear of her husband’s violent rage and her religious indoctrination in order to claim her independence and leave the marriage.


Georgie is an inspirational dramatic narrative film focused on a female empowerment storyline. The main storyline follows Georgie, a devout Catholic woman who finds herself trapped in an abusive and violent marriage.   It also addresses racism through a Mexican-American immigrant sub plot. Georgie is a feature-length film which is female written, directed, and produced by Real Art Daily (RAD) Productions. We support women in film-making by providing employment and creative leadership opportunities.

Georgie is Produced by Real Art Daily (RAD) Productions.


To be an established, thriving driver of social justice, female empowerment, and influencer of conscious, progressive thought through film and video productions.

To be a leading cross-functional media company that delivers quality content that entertains, awakens, and encourages female voices and diversity.

To create an inclusive and diverse company that actively employs talented creatives from a wide range of sexualities, gender identities, cultures and nationalities.

Our Team

Georginna Feyst

Georginna Feyst

Producer | Screenwriter Lead Actress

Natalia Bortolotti

Natalia Bortolotti

Music Producer | Film Score

Dean Byrne

Dean Byrne

Funding & Research Analyst | Producer's Associate

Sara Christiansen

Sara Christiansen

Website Designer

Selina Ott

Selina Ott

Graphic Designer | CGI Artist