Грейс период – срок после наступления последнего (по кредитному договору) дня оплаты микрозайма, в который можно закрыть долг без пени и новых процентов. Рассмотрим пример: вы должны возвратить микрокредит в понедельник. В компании действует 3-х дневный грейс период. Значит, внеся деньги до четверга, с последствиями просрочки вы не столкнетесь.

Процесс получения займа онлайн и оформление займа без звонков существенно упрощает и ускоряет доступ к необходимым средствам в критических ситуациях. Рассмотрим подробно, каким образом осуществляется данный процесс.


Too good for her own good.

Our main character, GEORGIE, is a universal representation of a kind, subservient, woman from a small town in Kansas, who has a compulsion to put others before herself. This is exacerbated by her good heart, and her religious conditioning, being devoutly Catholic. She is kind, loving, compassionate, and a “bright light” to everyone. At 32, she has never had a boyfriend. Her life has been consumed with service to her church and caring for her sick mother. JAYCEE, her younger, outspoken, feminist sister, encourages Georgie to take care of herself and “get her own life”, but Georgie is content caring for her mother and helping the church and community. At the outset of the film, we see the fruits of her labor, where Georgie has worked hard to organize an interfaith mixer. She brings the Protestant and Catholic churches together for the first time, attempting to heal her community of the bad blood between the Protestants and Catholics.